Happy New Year!!! New Interior trends for 2020

A very Happy New Year everyone!!! Whether you spent a quiet night at home or celebrated the arrival of 2020 by partying the night away (guilty!!! ) a fresh new year is upon us which is the perfect time to restyle your home and there are many new trends entering the interior design scene this year........ Statement sofas, two tone kitchens and more are making a feature this year and the use of more environmentally friendly products within the home is a welcome movement as more people are becoming aware and are acting on how important looking after our planet is. Later this week I'll be covering in depth the trends for this year, plus future blog posts will cover - house plants for clearer air in the home,  how to choose the perfect lighting, hallway styling plus many more topics. Don't forget that if there are any particular design topics you would like to know more about or have any home dilemmas please get in touch or comment below and I will feature these on the blog.


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