Time to get packing...again.

Now we are officially in 2018 it's time to start doing something which I never really enjoy - pack up the Christmas decorations. It always feels so bare when the pretty decorations are taken down but the festive season is now done, it's a new start to another year so it's time to grab the boxes and crack on with the packing. The only thing is, decorations which were neatly packed in January seem to have mysteriously gotten tangled up, misplaced or occasionally broken by December which is what prompted me for my subject for this blog post: tips for storing Christmas decorations. Getting your tinsel in a tangle and your lights in a knot? Help is at hand.........

Plastic storage containers: see through plastic boxes are ideal for storing decorations - not only are they kept safe but you can easily see what is in the box, saving time when it comes to getting your decorations out. Dedicate one for tree dec's, one for lights, one for garlands etc.

Christmas lights: it doesn't seem to matter how careful you are packing your lights, they never fail to knot up - keeping them in their original boxes doesn't seem to help as they never go back the same way as they were packed in the factory. A much easier way to store them is to wrap them around cardboard; put the spare bulbs for the sets in a small sandwich bag and then tape this to the card. You can also use this method for bead garlands and tinsel.

Tree decorations: in your storage box for baubles and tree decorations use clear sandwich bags, preferably those with a zip lock, and put the same colours of baubles etc together in each bag. If you have glass baubles wrap them individually with bubble wrap or tissue paper so they don't get broken - glass decorations are beautiful but do remember that they are dangerous if broken as they tend to shatter, spreading the pieces. One year my Grandmother fell backwards into our tree, smashing some of the glass baubles. Sitting amongst the carnage she had to be lifted off the glass by yours truly (in my spare time I'm Wonder Woman, ask anyone - I've got the hot pants and everything). Do keep this in mind when using and packing glass decoration's around children, pets.... and grandma. Make sure you keep your hangers for your tree dec's in the same box, use a sandwich bag ,a small box or a tin to keep them together.

Storing an artificial tree: the tree is probably the most difficult thing to try and pack up - depending on the type of tree you have it will either go back in it's original box easily or will be difficult (a slim line tree is much easier to repack than a full bottle brush one). Try instead using plastic storage boxes to take the sections of the tree or alternatively use dust sheets to create a bag for the top, middle and bottom sections. Another option is to store the tree as it is instead of taking it apart - use cling film / plastic wrap and literally wrap this around the tree, starting from the top working all the way down, making sure you push the branches up as you wrap. When you are ready to use the tree again just slice it open with scissors.

Artificial wreath: to keep your wreath dust free and looking good year after year store it in a pedal bin bag or black bag and store it flat - make sure you keep the hanger near by or pack it into the bag as well.

I hope these tips help you with your packing, you will find it much easier come this December when it's time to put them up again!!


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